For secure donations via the Church World Service website go to
Wichita CROP Walk is affiliated with Church World Service CROP Walk.
Help defeat hunger locally and worldwide! Individuals and teams can soon sign up on-line to walk on October 1, 2023 and and donors will soon be able to donate toward the walkers and teams they want to support. Any group can participate, many of our Wichita teams are church-based. A team captain can set up a team on the CWS Crop Hunger Walk website easily and then recruit additional members, Tell your friends you are walking to defeat hunger and tell your friends they can donate to your team or in the name of one of your team members. People who raise $50 or more, on-line or in check/cash brought to the walk, will receive a cool 2023 Wichita CROP Walk t-shirt.
Why should I register?
Hunger is one of the greatest injustices facing our world, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Ending hunger is possible, and it is possible in our lifetime. You can help make it happen.
For over half a century, CROP Hunger Walks have ensured that more people worldwide have access to nutritious, sustainable food sources. From combating droughts in Nicaragua to providing agricultural training in Indonesia to stocking shelves in hundreds of food pantries across the United States, CROP Hunger Walks help end hunger by raising funds to support local food programs and the international anti-hunger work of Church World Service.
Stand with neighbors in our community who rely on food assistance programs. Partner with parents worldwide as they ensure a bright future for their children. Support those struggling in the face of grinding poverty and open up new doors of opportunity for them.
Tens of thousands of CROP Hunger Walkers are committed to building a hunger-free world. Join the movement!